A stray dog in Texas and a strange woman in El Salvador are both in trouble this week for sticking things where they don't belong.
Fort Worth animal control got a bizarre call on Wednesday about an apparently headless dog.
"One of our field officers got a call from a business, just north of Meacham Field, that indicated that there was a dog stuck inside a pipe," said animal cruelty investigator Dave Fulbright.
As near as they can tell, the dog -- now named Piper -- was chasing some type of varmint. When Piper's prey shot down the four-foot-long industrial-grade aluminum pipe, the dog tried to follow.
"She was hyperventilating. Obviously, we didn't how long she'd been in the pipe," said Fulbright. "The best we could estimate, she'd been in there two hours. Our best bet was to use mineral oil, lube her up as best we could, and then try to pop her head out. Fortunately, that's what occurred."
Meanwhile, in San Salvador, authorities at La Esperanza Prison caught Lidia Alvarado, 44, trying to smuggle contraband in to her boyfriend. They found she was carrying some marijuana and a grenade ... in her vagina.
Upon inspection cops found the 10-inch-long M-67 grenade to be "in working order."
Police have raised the security alert level at prisons all across the country. They suspect "the inmates are planning something."
Meanwhile in Texas, Piper is being held for 72 hours in the event someone claims her. If not, she'll be put up for adoption.
Both the grenade and the pipe were four inches wide.
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