

Sorry I haven't posted about the most recent Apoxabox, been busy. The knife was part of a treasure hunt. Sadly you had to live in the right part of the country to play, and sadly I am a very far away. This month's box was good, Not my favorite box, but there always good. I will post what was in it soon.

Summer term

So Summer term has officially started. A rough start, but slowly improving. 

My courses this term are WR 121, and CIS 120. CIS 120 is a cool class. Learning a lot about computers and the teacher is great. WR 121 is tough, but I think I am going to get through it. The teacher is cool, but I am having to learn to write from a complete different mind set. I am used to getting on my soap box and preaching, not presenting a focused argument. I am right, your wrong and this is why doesn't seem to cut it in this class. Shame really lol :)

Daily Stoic

A great sight we should all subscribe to;