
Star in your own propaganda poster!

On the big city streets of Any Town, USA you're apt to run into vendors hawking reprints of old propaganda posters. Socialist Realism is less popular than its Soviet Constructionist cousin, but is no less beautiful. Now, thanks to an inspired artist, you can be featured in your very own Maoist art.
Zhu Yao-Hui opened an art school in Shenzhen, China a few years ago, but he's still got bills to pay. So the enterprising painter has launched MaoPoster, where you can choose from a wide selection of awesome depictions of the heroes of socialism.
You can make like Lei Feng, one of the great heroes of Mao revolution, who starred in countless posters. Lei embodied that spirit of the movement perhaps better than even Mao himself. His only aspiration was to be
"a revolutionary screw that never rusts."
All you have to do in send in a snapshot of yourself -- and some money, of course -- and within weeks your ready for framing.

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