
All the Light We Cannot See, By Anthony Doerr

So I picked this book up on a whim. I hadn't heard anything about it, but the cover and the fact that it got a Pulitzer caught my eye. The book was amazing. I couldn't put it down and was reading every second I could. It just sucks you into it this world, with these fantastic characters. Then you get to the last two or three chapters, and all this time and emotion you have invested into reading this, up to that point, wonderful book gets destroyed.

Doerr spent like ten years writing this masterpiece, then in the last few chapters just gives up? Did your publisher finally give up after ten years and demand the book that day? I will happily give you my copy back, go take another year or two, and pound out a decent ending. It doesn't have to be happy, or anything else, just put the same effort into it that you put into the rest of the book. I have NEVER had a book leave me so let down by a crappy ending as this one. Had I known what a complete train wreck of an ending was approaching, I simply would have stopped reading at the end of the chapter when the city falls. No closure but a fitting end to a story about characters that had lead such difficult lives. Give me a cold, brutal, ending any day over this books ending. It was so blatantly obvious the author didn't know how to end this, and just forced an ending on each loose end. It's like reading an episode of lost, okay we got them on the island, anyone got an idea how we get them off?? Anyone?? nothing?? Shit, okay, lets just wing it and hope no one catches on. I DO NOT ACCEPT YOUR ENDING, please try again. 

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