
cell phone etiquette guide

read the cell phone etiquette guide

...Lights off, phone off! No citizen should take a call at a theater or in the movies

Off means off!Please respect the rules and when asked by an establishment or airline to refrain from using a cell phone, do so

Don't cross the personal space boundary!All citizens should be mindful of how close they are to others when using a cell phone in a public place

Stop noise pollution! All citizens should remember to keep conversations private and not shout into the phone

Heads up! All citizens should act responsibly when walking or driving while on a cell phone

Of those polled, this is what we found:

3% admitted to being addicted to their cell phone
69% feel cell phones are a great convenience and time-saver
57% turn their cell phones off at the movies or in a theater, while 30% turn off the ringer and let voice mail answer the call
43% turn their cell phones off in a restaurant, while 24% turn off the ringer and let voice mail answer the call
76% use their cell phone in their car
60% take calls while in the supermarket
52% take calls on public transportation
46% use their cell phones for 10% of all their phone calls

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