Ok, if you read my profile, your probably questioning my patriotic spirit, thinking I'm a communist, or something else. So, for my first real post, lets get a little serious. Yes I would move out of this country and never look back with out hesitation. Yes I would happily give up my citizenship and turn my back on everything I call home. Now I know the grass is always greener on the other side of the hill, and all that bull shit, but lets face it, Americans as a group are ASSHOLES!!! We are selfish, self centerted pricks!! We Only help others when it is benificial to us. How often due you get cut off in traffic? Do you ever wonder why that person is in such a hurry, maybe there a doctor going to a emergency pubic hair transplant, who knows, but lets face it, its because deep down, that person feels that there more important then you. They would never admit it, but that is the underlieing reason. My time is more valuable then yours! Now I know there are people out there that give with out hesitation and are trully wonderful people, and I thank god they are hear, then I ask, why are the rest of you hear??? We, as americans are really looked down upon by the rest of the country. Are they right? Maybe, but if you ever spend time with a family from another country, you see what a beatiful life could really be like. A world were family and friends is more important then the new car, or the big screen TV. Were sitting down to speak with your family members is a treat, not a chore you try to dodge. World peace, in my personal expertise only, will never be possable as long as america is around. Atleast in its current form. Now I'm sure you all think I'm a nut, but look around, think about your actions, the people around you. The asshole that cut you off in traffic, just to beat the other guy to the drive through window at McD's. Lets face fact, lets all say it together, I'm a american, and I am a selfish prick! Now don't you feel better?
"If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy." ~ James Madison, while a United States Congressman
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Hmmm not really that much better. Believe me, the grass really does look greener than it is on the other side and year sure, I fully understand your rage at your country but, to a hefty degree, I think that most people have the ability to see their country's faults and strong points and every people/country has them. I live in a country where most people will take a shot at an American for laughs whenever they can but when asked who else they'd rather be a world superpower, they falter. Give yourself a break mate, you're bashing yourself as well as your country and no matter how much your fellow americans shit you, you still owe it to yourself to look for a few good points here and there.
well, I understand your point, but I would gladly give up some freedoms, for a culture that looks at the world in a different way. I know there are good things here, but I just don't think they outway the bad. America is just making more enemies everyday. And lets take a look at dear old pres. Bush. I honestly don't think he wants to be president, I think he wants to be the LAST president. I'm talking post Apocalyptic(sp?) world, Mad Max kinda shit. Standing out in the desert with a hockey mask screaming "give me your gas and we might let you live!!!". And why is it that Clinton smokes a little grass, and the world explodes in outrage, yet bush goes to re-hab for cocaine, and no one blinks a eye? I have traveled over seas, I have visited a few coutries, and I have several friends that are of a different ethnithity. I have spent time with there families and I see how they are. There is a huge difference from there life style, to the average americans. And that is the thing that really apeals to me. That large family, the big get togethers. The valus put on family, and friends. There is just a very different value system that really is appealing. I mean England, Aust. any were would be a huge improvement. Have you ever dealt with someone who is totally selfish, I mean to the point that they will only have a conversation with you if it is totally about them. If you change the subject even slightly away from them, the conversation is over. Now imagine being completly surounded by millions of clones of that same person. Welcome to America, please bend over and begin kissing our wholly asses.
I was in your country reccently. For three weeks.Met great people. Not selfisch. Honest. Critical towards their own and my country. respecting my views. Believe me, your freedom is much greater than were I live. (Netherlands, Europe).
I have never been so welcome in a home as with some people in America. But maybe I didn't see the averge American.
George Stavorinus
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