
Comedy - Brad Williams - Smash Brothers

     So last weekend I had the pleasure of getting to go see Brad Williams perform live at Spotlight29 in Coachella, CA.  Been a huge fan of Brad's for a long time so to get to be third-row center was amazing. For those of you who have never been to the spotlight, it's a medium-sized venue, in a very smokey casino. The venue is very nice, it's just the cancer run through hallways of second-hand smoke that sucks. This was Brad's first-hour long show since his daughter was born. It was all new material and he was on point. He brought his A-game and took no prisoners.
     The show was opened by two brothers called the Smash brothers. They are always funny, and I would highly recommend you catch them live if you can. If you are not able to see them live, then check out their material on Youtube. Be warned, they are not afraid of swearing and nothing is off-limits. I think that is one of the things that really endear me to them. So many comics these days are so PC and don't want to hurt the snowflakes of the world. Yet that is exactly the point of stand-up, to challenges our perceptions of society and the world, to make us deal with uncomfortable questions. I must say the smash brothers are a breath of fresh air in the comedy scene. The world desperately needs more Lenny Bruce's and George Carlins' in it. 
     After an hour-long show with no break, Brad was in the lobby selling his merchandise, taking photos and signing autographs by himself. No helper, just him doing it all, a real one-man show. It was impressive and eye-opening to see how hard someone has to work to make it in the business. What separates the greats from the could have been; hustle, drive, determination. For all of you young comics out there, do yourself a favor and study Mr. Williams. Being funny will only get you so far, being adorable does help too, but his work ethic is what makes him a star. 

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Daily Stoic

A great sight we should all subscribe to;